There have been many people and cultures throughout time that believe that we receive messages from God, and little glimpse’s into the future when we sleep, to guide us through our life. Waking up from certain dreams I cannot help but wish that these thoughts and theories are true and hopefully my dreams will come true one day. My dreams are very vivid and often in them I am spending time with my children at different stages in their lives. It might be their first birthday, first day of school, cheering for them from the sidelines, or teaching them how to drive a car. Most of the time however, I am in the hospital holding them for the very first time. In these dreams I never see myself, so if it is true that you receive tiny looks into your future I do not know how old I will be when my children are at different stages in their lives. So when I am in this dream state I will just have to somehow remind myself to look in a mirror…just in case!
A dream is a wish your heart makes When you're fast asleep In dreams you lose your heartaches Whatever you wish for, you keep Have faith in your dreams and someday Your rainbow will come smiling thru No matter how your heart is grieving If you keep on believing the dream that you wish will come true ~Cinderella